Msen!  Michigan's best run ISP!

You can upload your own homepage by FTP'ing to and signing on using your FTP login information. Your homepage is located in the public_html directory, and the main homepage is called index.html.

You can use programs like WS_FTP to upload files using Windows 95, or Fetch for the Macintosh.

Windows 95 comes with a built-in DOS based FTP program. In a DOS shell, cd to the directory that holds your web pages that you want to upload. Then,

ftp Start the program.
Name ( userid
Identify yourself to the machine.
331 Password required for userid.
230 User userid logged in.
Send your password to the machine.
ftp> cd public_html
250 CWD command successful.
Cd moves between directories.
ftp> ascii
200 Type set to A.
Ascii allows for text based files to be uploaded correctly.
ftp> put filename.html
Upload text file.
ftp> binary
200 Type set to I.
Binary allows for all files without operating system conversions. Required for image files and executables to be transfered correctly.
ftp> put filename.jpg
Upload binary file.
ftp> get otherfile.jpg
Download binary file.
ftp> dir
List the directory contents.
ftp> help
Show the help information.
ftp> quit
Exit the program.