Pam's Photo Gallery

This is my first try at scanning photos to put on the Net so bear with me!
There are a lot of photos on this page so it's best viewed with Netscape 2.0 or better.

Uncle Pete Foye and Auntie Pete
The man with the vest is Uncle Pete Foye and his wife, Maggie, or Auntie Pete as she was called. This is inside their hotel in St. Jacques.
Foye kidsGrown up Foyes
From left to right, Lassie Foye, my Grandma (Groleau) McLeod, Uncle Ed Foye, Uncle Pat Foye and Uncle Leo Foye when they were children. The picture on the right is Uncle Pat, Gram, Uncle Leo and Uncle Ed, all grown up. Love Gram's outfit!
Dad and Uncle WayneGram and kidsAunt Karen and Uncle Dan
The far left picture is my dad, Melvin, and Uncle Wayne in front of old Pine Grove. The middle picture is my Gram McLeod but since she didn't see this, I'm not sure which two kids these are, I think Uncle Jim and Aunt Karen. The far right picture is from 1946, taken behind my Gram's house in Berkley. These two are my godparents, Aunt Karen and Uncle Dan.
Grampa Dan and Grandma EllenGrandma and Grampa Foye
These two are my favorites! They are both of my great-grandparents. The left is Grampa Dan Groleau and Grandma Ellen with my grandfather, Wilbert Groleau and my Great Aunt Lillian (the baby). I figure it must be circa 1914. On the far right is my Great Grandfather Len Foye and Great Grandmother Maria with Great Uncle Ed and must be circa 1909. Aren't those dresses great?
Gram and GermaineGram-Goodbye partyGram, Roy and Germaine, Grandma EllenCaleb and Preston
Starting at the top left, this is my Gram with her "Sis", Germaine Wester. But just look what they're holding and what's on the table in front of them! Gram and Germaine, drinking and smoking! The top right picture is a going-away party for Gram in her house in Union Lake when she was leaving to marry Gramp McLeod and moving to the UP, taken January 22, 1966. The lower left picture is Gram, Germaine and Roy Wester with unknown pooch, and Grandma Ellen on the far right. The lower right picture is my brother, Preston, up at Moss Lake with Caleb Johnson.

Last Revised: 5/27/16, 9:45 a.m. (pl)