
People ask genealogists why they do what they do. There are as many reasons as there are genealogists but I think the biggest reason is that we want to know where we came from, hoping this will tell us who we are. I haven't found the total answer to that but along the way, I met some relatives that I didn't know I had. My thanks for help with the information I have and sharing what they have goes to my found-on-the-Internet cousin, Ken Wengert, and his friend, Ken Bartelt, who are two of the best researchers I've ever met, Florence Nelson, a Freytag relative I found by blindly picking addresses, Judy Henderlight, a cousin I've known forever and didn't appreciate enough before, and Wes Groleau, another found-on-the-Internet cousin. If any of their information is presented incorrectly here, it's totally my error as are any other boo-boos. If you see any, let me know, I'll fix 'em. This isn't gospel, not everything has been verified. Much of it is in the process of being verified and updated.

Thanks also to everyone else who has helped with names, dates and stories from the past but it would really be boring if I listed all of you. I have to mention Lynn Aubertin, a relative through the Sabourins and an email friend, who has given me lots of information and another email friend, Linda Dillon, who just tells me that everything I do is great. We all need more friends like her! And to those cousins who never filled out and returned the questionnaires I sent you, you'll get another chance. I hope to get another questionnaire together soon.

Much of the Latulippe information is from the book "Genealogy of the Juneau Family, 1600-1965" by L.-Paul Landry and Eugene J. Connerton. I don't have it verified 100% that "my" Latulippes match up with those in this book, but if they really don't, there are some awfully big coincidences here.

If you've just stumbled on this page and you see one of your ancestors here, EMAIL ME or something! My theory still is: If your name is Groleau, you must be my relative. My quest is to find out how and why some Groleaus ended up in Michigan and how some ended up on the east coast. I didn't even know that there were all those "east coast" Groleaus til I got on the Internet. I'd like eventually to start a One Name Study and find all the Groleaus I can. Maybe then we could have a giant reunion and take over the world!


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