We Don't Like
These are the bad words that just plain tick
us off. Bad word! No biscuit!
- Unless you're the kind of person whose necktie goes only to your sternum,
the word is "anyway."
- huh? Isn't mingling good enough?
realtor, NOT real-a-tor!
Whole nother-
as in "that's a whole nother story". It's whole other.
"Turn left where the old Shell station
used to be", uh- huh.
Untimely death
- What would be a timely death?
- as in your change is 50 cent. Always people from the south. Anything
more than one penny is cents. Try it with me hayseeds, " Your change is
50 cents".
instead of "ask." "He axed me a question." Makes you sound
like an illiterate moron.
Value-added as
in "we offer value-added service" - what the heck does that mean?!?
- as in the Kitney Foundation - the word is kiDney.
and mens - these two words are already
plural or does this mean lots and lots of mens and womens?
when it should be escape
- salesmen use this word? I tend to think it reflects on the user.
I never buy or stock their product. I like to think that I own a
brain, so I'll leave the "no-brainer" decisions to the anencephalics.
'Nuff said
-- usually uttered with a smug and knowing flare of the nostrils usually
when enough hasn't been said to support the person's point. The phrase
(and its accompanying gesture) are just bluster.
Albeit -
You've got to be a 'George Will', anal type of schmuck to have this word
roll off your tongue in a sentence.
Gal -
'nuff said
- the opposite of inactive is active. This, to my ear, is like saying "two
"I could care less" when what the speaker
really means is "I couldn't care less."
Per se
- It sounds like the person doesn't know how to read. How can you accidently
say Nucular?? IT'S NUCLEAR NU-CLEAR. GOT IT??!!
- As in "It really sucks". If something sucks, does it actually create
a negative pressure in it's mouth, causing the high pressure air to push
it into the low pressure? People who use this too much really must have
the brains of a trout. If something sucks, what does this thing suck?
What do people mean when they say "You Suck"? Is this an offer?
Or maybe a command? Perhaps a threat?
and nite - what's so hard about "light"
and "night"?
Forward planning
- like there is such a thing as backward planning...
Ramp up
- still more corporate lingo. Entirely lacking in real meaning unless you
are recovering a boat from the water onto a trailer or somesuch.
- the word is amateur
Senseless murder
- used by news reporters, much worse than a "sensible murder"
- A call that isn't waiting at all. It is insisting that you answer
it now before it's too late. Should be entitled "Call impatient".
Their - There
- Thier - They're - Their (should be there) were three horses.
The three horses broke thier (meaning their) harnesses. Second most misused
word on the net ... maybe even ahead of the misused it's.
- Gag, puke, yuk. We have beaten this dog with a stick. It's dead. Stop
using it. Now.
- This is one of the lamest words around. Lame, lame, lame. Makes
the hair on the back of my neck stand up. Lame.
or worse than that, wormy. ICK!
"I'll have nother one.."
"John and myself are going to the store." What ever happened to "I" or
24/7 - more
buzz words
We Like
Words that feel good in your mouth or sound
like what they mean. These are the words we love.
Here are a couple of new ones suggested
by Melysa, a very zoftig young lady: pedantic
and ennui (you HAVE to say the last
one correctly to get the full impact, an WE)and of course, both
are French.
Here are some good ones suggested by a
reader: chiaroscuro (the treatment
of light and shade in a painting, drawing, etc. to produce the illusion
of depth), and susurration which is
sort of onomatopoetic!
- The act or process of folding or state of being folded. Or simply a fold
itself. As found in pliable pliers amplify multiply complicate implicit
explicit replica duplicate explicate implicate duplicate application supplicate
- comes from the Greek word
zephyros, the west wind.
How about pussyfooting
and fiddlefarting? As in "Quit......."
- means omnipresent.
Did you know that fiasco
has two meanings? Most of us know that it can mean "a complete failure;
esp., an ambitious project that ends as a ridiculous failure" but it also
is "a bottle; esp., a long-necked wine bottle with a rounded lower portion
covered in woven straw".
- my favorite word, sounds like what it means
- just say it - you'll understand.
- what you achieve when your brain goes, "Duh!"
- a good word when used correctly
- Need I say more?
- Perfect word! Perfect sound! -- For how you feel the morning after
Feckless - Meaning
feeble or ineffective. Sometimes confused with the the word freckles
- ancient Swedish word meaning REALLY feeble or ineffective??
- just a casual kind of word
Hoi polloi
- so very common, those people over there, let's snub them.
cartoon word, it even hurts to speak it.
Luscious -
very pleasant to smell or taste; appealing to the senses
or zaftig...all I can say is look this
one up in the dictionary, you will begin using it!!!
- the shape of the moon when it's more than half-full but less than full,
used with waxing and waning,
two more good words
Egregious -
means remarkably bad, outstanding for undesirable
- once used by a nun to describe my handwriting
- we know what we mean when we call someone "Egbert" but did you know that
it comes from the Old English meaning "bright sword"?
- did you know that the red parts are actually the leaves of this plant
and the little yellow things at the top are the flowers? NOT PON-set-uh,
NOT POIN-set-ya, but poin-SET-uh
- I could explain what it means, but it's too complicated.
- a harsh cry or angry quarrel
- happy-poetic word. You can skip it and sing it. It reminds me of another
word I like that is a place name - Ontonagon.
jew?" - are we hungry or are we discussing religions?
- the stuff found in potting soil. "Vermiculite. Vermiculite. Vermiculite."
- as when Daffy says "you'rrre despicable" - perfect description of some
- denotes a foxlike quality such as looking sleek or predatory.
- go ahead and say it! Doesn't it sound so beautiful, so heavenly, so sweet,
- sounds like a compliment but means offensive to good taste, excessive,
gross, disgusting, repulsive, insincerely lavish
- fabulous word. Denotes something that makes great and immediate impression.
Great fun to say.
- rolls right off the tongue
- because it doesn't seem to match its definition
- doesn't that word just stink?
- great word (sometimes assumed to mean the tenth time you bumped the car)
Email your words and I'll add them to
the list: chumley@home.msen.com
Last Revised: 8/2/2000 10:55 p.m. (pl)
URL: http://home.msen.com/~chumley/words.html